What makes me strong?


What makes me strong?

It Is Not Money.
It Is Not Bling.
It Is Not the fad or what is in.
It is not the crowds.
It is not the superficial.
It is not the lies.
and it definitely is not because I am living the life.

It Is Because I Don't Let The Physical Things Tell Me Who I Am.

I Am Not The Appearance
I Am Not Everything That You See
I Am Not The Shallow Things That Other People May See

I Am Below The Surface

It Is Because I Don't Let The Physical Things Tell Me Who I Am.

More Importantly: I Am Not Everything That You Don't See!

The Tough Stuff That I Live Every Day
I Am Not The Day To Day Struggles That Can, if I let it, bring me down.

I Am Deeper Than You Think

I Am A True Feeling...
and maybe that's really what you're feeling... isn't it?

Because no matter how much you try to escape your truth, my truth, the truth...
no matter how much you lie, it will always be there.

They are malicious because they are defensive
They are defensive because they feel threatened
They feel threatened because they can't handle the truth.

I am protecting the inner most important part of myself, who I truly am. That's why, in life, people try to tell you the lies to make themselves feel better. They are confused and don't understand because they don't know how to handle the truth. They don't want to believe the great in you... and actually, maybe, they are not capable! They don't believe the extraordinary because they only believe in the robotic routine. You can't make progress when you're living a lie. They can sense that you're going somewhere so they try to get you off track and distract you. They want to make you feel like you are not good enough, something beneath them; they're trying to take away your strength because they are weak!

These people are so focused on all the wrong things that they haven't protected themselves. And, when you don't protect yourself, you gon' get bust up!

no matter what happens to me,
if I remember what's important,
and if I don't allow my mind to tell me lies and drive me astray,
I will know who I am
and, in knowing who I am,

  • I stand tall
  • I stand for something
  • I stand for my everything

and, therefore, I do not fall
and that is how I stay strong.


11-14-2012 6:19am © Kayla Napua Kong

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