What is The Invisible Pages Of Dusty Thoughts?

It is my mind:

the clear glass

the invisible things that only I have seen

in the see through container

the accumulation of ideas and inventions

the hopes and dreams!

It is what I have envisioned!

the many worlds that I have lived in alone

a universe of its own!

It is over the capacity limit!

and it keeps growing!

like a vine that creeps up over the walls

and overflowing!

like water running



and sprinting!

(down the drain)

but where its going

is nowhere.

It has been neglected for so long

It has been put to no use

It has been placed on the back burner

and pushed to the side

It has been abandoned

getting pale as it sits in the dark

existing in the void darkness

it is a monster

from the deepest part of the cold blind sea

only visited like a cemetery

It used to be alive

and it used to bloom as though it could feel the sunshine

but it has been pressed into the old pages of this book


before it even got to be

dried out and preserved

before it got to feel the rain

It has been put on the shelf

collecting dust

It has not felt what it is like to be prosperous

It is dusty and rusty and muted in the background

behind me

it is everything I want to be!

I need it!

I need it to come back!

I need to nurture it and bring it back to life!

It has been bottled up.

I need to unscrew the lid that has kept the contents inside from being free!

I have to turn the lid on the glass jar and pour out its contents onto a new page...

I have to see it there...


on the physical pages!

before my very eyes...

I need its light to reflect in my black pupils!

my fading colors need it to see!

It has been brewing on a cold stove

crackling on a fireless pit

the friction of fictitious hands rubbing together

waiting for the warmth

It is an imaginary creature

that used to breathe fire

like a magnificent dragon

dead like a phoenix

It is the uncreated creations

that are ready to come from the dust

and finally breathe life!

Written by Kayla Napua Kong
© October 27, 2012 Saturday 10:08pm