behind the scenes: thoughts i sat, searching on the computer, alone in the dark room lit up only by the small desk lamp, for a picture of Honi to use in the About page of, I came across a handful of memories from a lifetime ago. It was another life then. The best camera, in my opinion, a Fujifilm 1.3 mega pixel digital camera, from the beginning of the millennium when digital cameras were beginning to be a thing that people owned, captured so much light and life in a time before another kind of storm. We, all of us, were so much younger then, so naive then.  We didn't know about time and passing. I sat there, trying to find a picture and instead I found a bunch of sad feelings. Though there's nothing we could have known better, there was regret... that little part of you that regrets the way life turned out. Because we don't really know what life is until it's gone. We don't understand that the purpose of life is not to let you live while you're young but to learn what life really is before you die. I regret that that's the way life is. Why can't it be another way? Why couldn't life have been easier? But at the same time I know why and I do kind of understand but at the same time I feel sad about the way things are and I regret when I wish things were different...

thoughts of 11/1/2012, lil' edits 11-28-2012, pic added 12-1-2012 © Kayla Napua Kong

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