In Your Hands

One day I will!

Just don't drop the crystal ball.

12:32am August 8, 2016 © Kayla Napua Kong

Forward Thinking

Don't go back there,

don't go back.

There's nothing good

back there.

11:34pm August 7, 2016 © Kayla Napua Kong


No matter how many times

you get thrown in the pit

you will still rise to the top

of that pit.

No cistern, slavery, prison, suffering and world famine

can confine

the blessings that come from the divine.

No matter what happens to you

it will only aid in your dreams

coming true.

12:06am August 8, 2016 © Kayla Napua Kong


No one listens so why for talk?


because everyone wanted to shoot the messenger

that's why the messenger is dead.

6:05pm August 7, 2016 © Kayla Napua Kong

No longer necessary

You said you couldn't imagine the world

without me in it.

Maybe you couldn't imagine it...

but maybe you won't have to even try

for very long...

5:54pm August 7,2016 © Kayla Napua Kong

If worse comes to worst

Spend my last paycheck

Buy you something nice

Maybe a necklace with a hollow center

How symbolic...

Think of all the things that could have been

But will never ever be

Everything was dying in your grip

You couldn't let it go

And now you don't have to

Cause everything is gone.

5:47pm August 7,2016 © Kayla Napua Kong


This place isn't high enough

The rope isn't strong enough

There are no pills

I don't like knives...

5:30pm Sun. August 7, 2016 © Kayla Napua Kong

One and The Same

My gift is a curse

of which I am not afraid

for it is all around me and a part of me

we are one


to feel the worst

to capture it's moment

for it is a type of masterpiece

a twisted story--

no! a story with a twist!

Within horrors and treasures lie

Like any tale worth telling...

Inside of the curse lies the one with the blessing...

8:35pm 8-6-2016 © Kayla Napua Kong


You don't care.

You want the end of Me.

There is not one important thing that is more important than the will to Live!

We're going to do the same things anyway, why don't we do it in Peace.

Is peace only for the resting? I wonder... _(~.~)_

The will to die comes back again...

Minds: fragile as glass, handle with care.

What would you do if you were 'bout to slip away?

I'd eat... maybe tweet...

Write with all my might!

Erratic thoughts float between discolored pages...

flipping back and forth...

no bookmark... no place...

Funny how a loved one can disappear before your eyes...

They don't even need to leave to leave...


Is suddenly never.

One minute we're here, next minute we're not.

Is life a trick?

We must be magic!

8:11pm 8-6-2016 © Kayla Napua Kong